Bullshit: Funny College Party Drinking Game

Bullshit Drinking Game: Rules, Setup, & Variations

Posted by Griffin Schwartz on

Looking for a drinking game that combines strategy, bluffing, and lots of laughs? Look no further than Bullshit (also known as Cheat or I Doubt It)! This fast-paced card game is all about deception, with players trying to call out each other’s lies. If you’re looking for a hilarious, competitive game to spice up your college party, Bullshit is a great choice.


In this blog, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know: how to set up the game, the equipment you’ll need, the rules, variations, custom rules, and strategies to dominate the game and have a blast doing it.


What You Need to Play Bullshit

Bullshit is one of those drinking games where you don’t need a ton of fancy equipment. All you need is a deck of cards and a group of fun, competitive people ready to bluff their way to victory.


What You'll Need

  • A Deck of Cards: A standard 52-card deck works best for this game.
  • Drinks: Everyone should have one.
  • Players: 4 or more players are ideal for Bullshit, but you can play with as few as 3 or as many as 8.


Setting Up Bullshit

  1. Shuffle and Deal: Shuffle the deck and deal the cards evenly to each player. Players should not look at their cards (they’re kept face down until it’s time to play them).
  2. Select a Starting Player: The player to the left of the dealer goes first. After that, play proceeds clockwise around the table.


How to Play Bullshit

The gameplay in Bullshit revolves around trying to get rid of your cards while also tricking other players into believing your plays.


The Objective:

The objective is simple: get rid of all your cards first. But here’s the catch — you can lie about the cards you’re playing.


Playing Your Cards:

  • Players take turns playing cards face down in the center of the table, starting with Aces and moving through the deck in ascending order (Aces, 2s, 3s, and so on).
  • For example, if the current card is a 2, the next player must play either a 2 or a higher card (3, 4, etc.). But here’s the twist: You can lie about which card you’re playing. If a player can’t play the card that’s supposed to be next in the sequence (e.g., if they don’t have a 3 but the next card in the order is a 3), they can lie and play a different card instead.


Calling “Bullshit”:

  • If a player suspects that someone is lying about the card they just played, they can call out “Bullshit!”
  • If the card played is honestly the card they claimed, the person who called Bullshit must drink and pick up all the cards in the center pile.
  • If the card was a lie, the liar must drink and pick up all the cards in the center pile.


The Next Player’s Turn:

  • Play continues as players take turns playing cards in ascending order, and anyone can call Bullshit if they think someone is lying.


Game-Specific Rules for Bullshit

  • Lying: Players can lie about the card they are playing, but they must always play in ascending order. For example, if the current card is a 5, the next player could play a 5 or a higher card (but they don’t have to actually play that card if they don’t want to).
  • Must Play in Order: You must always play your cards in ascending order. For example, if the current card is a 6, the next card played must be a 6, 7, or higher. Players can lie about the card they play, but they cannot jump ahead in the sequence.
  • Calling Bullshit: If you call Bullshit and are wrong, you drink and collect the pile. But if you call it correctly, the person who lied must drink and pick up the pile.
  • No “Skipping”: Unlike other card games, no one is allowed to skip their turn. You must play cards in order, and if you have to lie, you have to live with the consequences.

Variations and Custom Rules

    1. Reverse the Order: Add a rule where certain cards (like 10s or Kings) reverse the direction of play, making things more chaotic.
    2. Joker Power: If you’re playing with jokers, treat them as wild cards that allow you to play any card. If someone plays a joker, they can declare any card and the next player must follow the sequence (and decide whether to lie or not).
    3. Special Cards:
    • Make certain cards carry special powers. For example, if someone plays a Jack, they can choose another player to skip their turn.
    • Kings: If a player plays a King, they can choose another player to skip their turn.
    • Aces: If an Ace is played, the next player must either match the card or call Bullshit immediately.
    • Jokers: If you’re playing with jokers in the deck, add a rule that says anyone who draws a joker gets to make any player draw a card of their choice.
    1. Double Trouble: If a player plays two cards at once (for example, two 4s), everyone else must call Bullshit if they think it’s a lie. If no one calls it out, the player gets to skip the next round.
    2. Group Call: If someone calls Bullshit and a majority of players agree, the person who lied must drink twice and pick up the pile.


    Winning the Game

    The first player to get rid of all their cards wins the game. But of course, there’s a catch — if you’re the winner, you get to choose one person to drink as a victory toast!


    Strategies for Bullshit

    • Keep a Straight Face: Don’t give away your lies with your facial expressions or body language. Bluffing successfully is all about remaining calm and collected.
    • Watch Your Opponents: Pay close attention to the players who call Bullshit the most. If you notice they hesitate before calling, you might be able to slip a lie past them.
    • Bluff Sparingly: Don’t lie too often. If you lie every turn, players will catch on. Use lies sparingly and only when necessary.
    • Time Your Calls: If you think someone is bluffing but aren’t sure, wait until others have called before you jump in. This reduces the risk of being wrong.

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